Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I was just telling my like-minded friends at work yesterday, how torn I am about the prospects in '08. One speaks to my heart, and one to my head.

Then one does something like this which is so fun, plus... Bill!

I know it's all over the place this morning, but for a political person and a Sopranos fan, it's pretty cute: Click on the video. Enjoy.


Kami said...

I drove across FIVE states last week, and still saw only MY Obama sticker. ONE. In FIVE states.

Leslie said...

Well, I have one. On both cars. :)

Melanie said...

You and Kami are going to have to educate me prior to this election. Maybe that will be my New Years Resolution next year. To learn more politics. So when we go vote my husband can look at me right before we walk in to vote and ask me who "we" are voting for. I'm not kidding. He really did that.