Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

22 hours after I got the book, I'm finished. All 730-something pages of it. Thanks to my husband, who took E out this morning, while M had her first nap, and thanks to all of them for napping this afternoon, I had some quiet time today.

It was sooooo good. I'm sad it ended, but it was an awesome ride. Thank you JK Rowling!

I will start the re-read Monday morning, during my commute!


Melanie said...

So you did finish! So very exciting. I guess going to the store at midnight was worth it!

Gail said...

I picked mine up Saturday, but didn't start it until late in the afternoon. Thank God I'm working at home this morning. I just finished it. Love it! Can't wait until everyone else has finished it so we can talk about it.

Kami said...

Soo, um, you'll have to tell me what happened.