Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well that sucked.

What, you say?

Getting up on a snowy morning. Getting your kids dressed, getting yourself dressed, driving 25 mph to the train station, slipping and sliding along the way. Getting on the train, going to work, only to find a sign on the door that the office is closed today. Damn.

Getting back on a train, slipping and sliding on the way home, 3 hours later coming into my kitchen to find a message from my supervisor that indeed the office had closed.

The time the message was left? 7:50 am. The time I'm supposed to be at my desk? 7:30 am. Granted, I didn't get there until 8:20 this morning because of the aforementioned slipping, sliding, and 25 mph, but still.

Dallas is not supposed to be cold and icy and snowy. We're just not cut out for it. See Mrs. DallasKs blog for more information.

And the part I feel worst about, is that my kids are in day care. They're having a normal, fun time, I'm sure, but Mr. Illegal and I decided that his 4WD should transport them today. So. Here I am, with an unscheduled day off, snow and ice, hours of my days wasted on a unfruitful commute, no immediate plans, and a large sleeping dog at my feet that just emitted a very foul smell.

Fun, right?


TheStolenOlive said...

My mom works for an ISD and apparently they waited way too late to make the announcement that they were closed today.

As my dad works at a store in town and parents were coming in with their kids all mad that the school wasn't open so they could drop them off.

That's gonna be fun.

Kami said...

That just sucks. But your dog is cute.

Michelle said...

Mr Illegal, please splain?

And why can't my company CLOSE?? Oh no, it's come at your own risk but if you don't you can use your own time.