Friday, February 16, 2007

And the answer is...

Benign! But "changing." They want to check it out in 3 months.

As I told Jeff, they have to make their big doctor bucks, and I want to make sure I don't have cancer, so we all win.

My PSA for the day: Skin cancer is totally (well, 98%) preventable. Use sunscreen, go show a doc some skin. It's so easy, you would feel really stupid if you got it. You would say, "hm... Sara told me to get that mole checked out, I'm an idjit and I deserve melanoma." (Well, you wouldn't deserve it, because no one does, but you would regret not going to the doctor 10 years earlier.)

Ok, and weird moment of the day yesterday. I went in to the day care, and saw E's class playing in the big front room (it was too cold to go outside). I heard someone say, "Look, E, who it is." E ran over and yelled, "Mommy!" And I just had a moment - who am I? I'm that little kid's mommy? The one who can run and yell and is so freakin' cute? I knelt down to hug her, and she turned around to all her little friends and said, "My mommy!" I don't know when it happened, but I am her mommy. Wow. How did that happen? How did I get that blessed? Where does the time go?


Gail said...

You're Mrs.E's Mommy ;) Welcome to the club. There is NOTHING better than when they come running to you screaming "Mommy!!!" and they're so happy to see you.

TheStolenOlive said...

Glad to hear that it's Benign!

My grandfather goes in about once a month to have stuff taken off his face. I have two places I should go have looked at.

Kami said...

YEA! And amen to your PSA.

EEEEE!!!! So sweet!!