Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Starts w/ a Bi...

Of all the wonderful things to post about, let's start with my magic word of the day. Starts with a bi, ends with an opsy. Bi - opsy.

It's no big deal, just when little ol' me, all strawberry blond and freckled, goes into the dermatologist's office, they're on high alert, right? So I KNOW it will be fine, but it's somewhat unsettling all the same, especially after Jeff had his pre-pre-cancerous whatevers removed last year.

The thing that's bothering more than the biopsy, are the two "dry scaly" patches on my face, that she told me to keep an eye on, 'cause they may need to be frozen off. I don't know what she's talking about. I nodded, listened to her w/ great interest, put my fingers on my face. When she left, I got up and looked in the mirror. I still don't see them. She said in someone with my complexion, they're more worried about spots like these, than the big black spots, because someone like me doesn't get big dark spots. Yeah, I'm definitely worried if I can't see them.


On to more exciting topics. Baby M is up on her arms and knees! She had done it previously, when she was pissed off about something. This weekend, she started doing it more, and started combining it with her backwards scooting. I predict she'll start crawling while Jeff is in India in a few weeks.

While I was feeding her applesauce last night (from an actual baby food jar - note to new moms. Don't buy the baby applesauce after they've had it 1 time. Go for the no-sugar-added regular applesauce. It's the same stuff, but half the cost), I wondered something. When I feed her pears, the jar says, "Pears." The other foods are "Carrots" and "Peas" or "Peaches." Why does baby food say "Applesauce" and not just "Apples?"


AND why do I get absolutely glowing reviews from E's teachers at the end of the day (Her manners are perfect, she's helping, she's cleaning, etc.) and then she HITS me for putting her in her carseat? Then she becomes an angel when we get home? Oh that's right, she TWO. (Our answer for everything these days)

AND (last one, I swear) WHY do we have the arctic polar winds again? I thought we were experiencing Global Warming?


Michelle said...

I hope everything's okay!

Kami said...

EEEK on the skin stuff.

Kids are so lovely for other people.