Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Big baby

Oh, I forgot to mention that M was 21 lbs at the doctor's office yesterday. What does that mean, besides the fact that she's HUGE? She's too big for the bucket (what we call the infant seat) and it's time for Jeff and I to get off our butts and decide w tf we're going to do about that. See, E is still in a convertible seat. Do we buy two more for M (one for each car?) One more? No more, and move one of E's to my car?

Right now we have a seat for E and a base for M in each car, so Jeff can drop off, and I can pick up. If we move to one car, one person has to do both, and it will be me, because Jeff has to work late more often than I care for our children to be picked up late.

We're cheap and lazy (which is why I breastfeed) but rest assured, we'll do the right thing. Eventually.


Kami said...

GOOD GRIEF! That child is getting huge. I have no idea what to tell you about the seats. No idea. Can you just hire a driver to do it all?

Gail said...

I vote for buying 2 Graco convertible seats. They won't break the bank and it's alot easier than transferring them back and forth between cars.